Q. When will the seder actually start?
A. It's called for 7:30pm, we will start with hors d'oeuvres, light the candles and sing some songs before moving to the kiddush on wine.
Q. Does Chabad serve wine or grape juice to students?
A. The State of Illinois has an explicit exemption to allow us to serve wine to under 21 students for religious purposes, so we serve wine. We also serve grape juice for those that wish.
Q. Is there a dress code for the Seder?
A. Generally at Chabad we don't have a dress code, however, you could expect your friends may dress in business casual.
Q. I am celiac, what should I do about matzah?
A. At Chabad House we make sure to have gluten free oat matzah for those that are celiac. Please let us know beforehand.
Q. I am vegetarian, will there be anything for me to eat?
A. Yes! Aside for the brisket everything is vegetarian.
Q. Is the Seder in Hebrew or English?
A. All readings will be in English or Hebrew with translation. You need to tell the Exodus story so it's important everyone understand what is being read.
Q. Can I sit next to whomever I wish?
A. Yes!
Q. Is there singing?
A. Yes, and even some dancing!
Q. Will there be discussion?
A. Yes, but not too much. It's not a lecture.
Q. Are there prizes?
A. Yes, famously we toss out prizes for good questions and answers
Q. Should I invite my non Jewish friends to see what a Seder is like?
A. Our priority is that all Jewish students have a seat at the Seder. We have other events that are more suited to the wider community,
Q. What time is dinner?
A. Dinner will be at around 9:00pm
Q. What kind of Matzah do you serve?
A. Only hand baked Matzah either from Israel or Ukraine
Q. What's the difference between the first Seder and the Second?
A. The First Seder is Biblically mandated, whereas the second is from the sages of old. Practically they are the same, though the second starts at 8:30pm and will be more intimate, and therefore will move a little slower with more discussion.
Q. If you don't charge, who pays for the Seder, it must be expensive?
A. It is! And we are fortunate that generous donors - alumni, parents, faculty and others - support Chabad House to enable us to welcome students to our event at no charge.
Got more questions? Email info@chabaduchicago.com and we'll include it here