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January 24 - 25, 2019

Unplug and Connect
About Unplugged

What is UChicago Unplugged?

Do you ever feel like your phone is attached to your hand? Take your iPad to the beach on vacation? Ever find it hard to sit still for a bit without checking Insta? 
UChicago Unplugged is inspired by the Biblical Sabbath where people take a break from the bustle of the week and spend time with family and friends.
Take the pledge to put down your device for as many hours as you'd like, and see how 'unplugging' can improve different areas of your life, from work to sleep to relationships. 
We'll have an exciting weekend of activities and events as well!
Take the Pledge

How long can YOU unplug?

Take the Unplug Pledge! Sign up for anywhere between 1 - 20 hours of disconnection from your device (sleep hours don't count!). See why your friends have pledged to disconnect on the Unplug Pledge Board below.
Share the pledge with friends on campus so they can unplug as well!
Shabbat Dinner

Unplugged Shabbat Dinner

Join fellow UChicago students at a communal Shabbat dinner at Ida Noyes Hall, Friday January 24 at 6:00PM.
Special performance by CMAC (Chicago Men's Acapella)
RSVP required. Sit with your friends or make new ones
Events & Activities

Unplugged Events & Activities

UChicago Unplugged is a weekend of Unplugging! Find out about events taking place across campus.
You go to UChicago, so here are some articles that link to studies about the benefits of unplugging. Like here 
or here.
A project of the Rohr Chabad House in partnership with UChicago Housing, the Counseling Center, Health and Wellness, Spiritual Life, AEPi

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